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Being average Joe

It's difficult for Singapore to appreciate people because many still appreciate only the 'successful' - ie, either rich, famous or did wonders. So, last year, there was this thing where those with low PSLE scores share how they later landed great careers. Now, they highlight those in Normal streams who made it in life. This is exactly what is wrong. We still place such emphasis on doing great things, whether during PSLE, O Levels, Uni or in Adulthood.

What about the average Joe?

Someone who did average in all phases in life. They have very normal jobs as teachers, executives, etc, working 9 to 5 . They did not achieve anything of note. Does this mean they are less valuable?

The problem is, probably 80% of us are the average Joes (neither super rich or famous). When I talk to young people, many have this idea that they need to achieve something in life - do something of note. This is not always possible. This places unnecessary expectations and when they fail to achieve anything grand, they feel hopeless. There is pressure even among adults to achieve a certain standard, when they should be proud of themselves as they do have qualities which they themselves don't see. Some are depressed because they 'achieve nothing' and see themselves as a failure.

So today, I celebrate the average Joe, who has kindness, compassion, integrity, creativity, faith, loyalty, grace, humanity, thoughtfulness and more.

- Ainun Harun

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