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The benefit of selawat fatih


"Know that there is no remedy except in the abundant recitation of blessings upon the Messenger of Allah, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, especially the prayer known as 'Salat al-Fatihi Lima Ughliq' (The Prayer of the Opener of What Was Closed).

It is the winning treasure and the greatest success, and all of his (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) praises are contained within it. Whoever deeply contemplates the phrase in it, 'Haqqa Qadrihi Wa Miqdarihil 'Azeem' (in accordance to his true worth and his exalted grandeur), and truly considers the greatness of his worth (Qadrihi) (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him), will see that everything created is poor compared to this immense rank.

If you seek the profit of both this world and the Hereafter, then persist in reciting this prayer throughout the nights and days, and avoid delusions and dreams. Do not be deceived by them, for we have said that they are distractions for those who stop at them and hinder them from reaching the Presence of Perfection. Many men have been cut off by them and have walked away deprived, because contentment with anything less than Allah is deprivation.

As for engaging with causes (worldly actions), it is unavoidable, and mixing with both the general and the elite among people is necessary, just as the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) did. They would remain engaged in their worldly activities, in their markets and their fields, without being prevented by that from what they were devoted to — remembrance, worship, jihad, and other acts of righteousness. All of these causes and activities were acts of worship. The real man is the one who mingles with people as they are, without their company causing him any deficiency or weakness in his own state.

Know that Allah, blessed and exalted is He, has established worship wherever He wills and that goodness is withheld from many people due to the dominance of desires, the power of the ego, the devil, and whims. The people of goodness are adversaries to others. So, be patient, be patient, and seek help from Allah.

Know that Allah, exalted is He, will create for you a relief, a victory, and an honor, for the end is for the righteous. All of our reliance is upon the grace of Allah and in the frequent recitation of blessings upon the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him).

Therefore, recite the 'Salat al-Fatihi Lima Ughliq' frequently, at least five thousand times a day and night. As for less than three thousand times, do not let yourself off from it. Conceal your spiritual states and do not share them with anyone, for that is a great door of tribulation that could cut off a person from their spiritual journey. Only disclose this to your Shaykh and no one else."

— Epistle of Al-Kansusi r.a.

Translated by Ibrahim Abdulmalik

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