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The birth of Shaykh Ahmad Tijani


Happy birthday to Mawlana Shaykh Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Tijani رضي الله عنه. According to the Gregorian calendar, today marks his 286th birthday, but according to the Hijri calendar, it's his 295th birthday.

He was born on Thursday, 13th of Safar 1150 AH. Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse رضي الله عنه said:

مولد الختم عام نقش تجلّي،

‏سيداً طاهراً وهو ذكاء.

“The seal of sainthood was born in the year 1150 which manifests that He was born as a master (leader), pure and intelligent.”

He was born in the town called 'Ain Madhi located 72 kilometers west of El Oued in the province of Laghouat, Algeria. The poet said:

حصل مفخر العلا حين ولد،

بعين ماضى ذا بفضلها شهد.

"The pride of excellence emerged when he was born in 'Ain Madhi whose grace is known and testified.”

May Allah be pleased with his pious parent for blessing us with the opening and the seal of sainthood. Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse said:

وتربى بين الابين نجيبا،

مرغد العيش تحته الالاء.

“He was nobly raised by his two parent, with a very comfortably livelihood under treasures.”

His father’s name is Sayid Muhammad, known as Ibn 'Amr bin al-Mukhtar bin Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Saalim bin Abi al-Eid bin Saalim bin Ahmad, also known as Al-Alwani bin Ahmad bin Ali bin Abdullah bin al-Abbas bin Abd al-Jabbar bin Idris bin Idris bin Ishaq bin Ali Zain al-Abidin bin Ahmad bin Muhammad, also known as Al-Nafs al-Zakiyya, bin Abdullah al-Kamil bin Al-Hasan al-Muthanna bin Al-Hasan al-Sibt. The son of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib and Fatimah al-Zahra, the daughter of Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم.

For his mother, she is Seyda Aisha bint Abi Abdullah bin Muhammad bin al-Sanusi al-Tijani, named after the tribe of Bani Tujin, and she is from the Mudawi lineage, linked to the town of 'Ain Madhi.

Mawlana Shaykh was the middle child of his parents. He had both male and female siblings, all of them passed away without leaving a single descendant except his brother called Muhammad who had a daughter, Ruqayyah and a son named Muhammad, known as Ibn 'Amr. They were all born and raised in 'Ain Madhi.

All of the forefathers of Shaykh Ahmad At-Tijani رضي الله عنه were Islamic scholars. His grandfather, Al-Mukhtar, was not only a scholar but also a very wealthy man. His father, Muhammad, was also a scholar known for teaching Hadith and Tafsir. He famous for his steadfastness in the Deen, to the extent that he was given the title "Ibn 'Amr."

His fourth grandfather, Sayid Muhammad bin Saalim was the first to arrive and settle in 'Ain Madhi from Tafilalt ( a region in Morocco). He was known for his deep rooted knowledge, Ma’arifah, generosity, worship, righteousness, and He married from the Tijan (or Tujin)tribe.

Shaykh Muhammad bin Al-Amir Abdul Qadir in his book ( تحفة الزائر) meaning: “Gift of the Visitor"described Ain Madhi and while discussing its fortress, he said:

وهذا اختطه ماضي بن يقرب من أقيال العرب فى المائة الخامسة لأول استيلاء الحصن العرب على المغرب الأوسط أيام العبيديين ويحتوي على ثلاثمائة دار، وتدخل له العين المسماة بالحصن في قناة وبه صهاريج لجمع ماء المطر تسد عوز أهله، وله من المتانة والحصانة ما يبهر العقول، وحوله من النخيل والأشجار المتنوعة ما هو زينة للناظرين.

“And this was outlined by Ma’adi bin Yaqrib from the tribes of the Arabs in the fifth century, marking the initial Arab conquest of the central Maghreb during the days of the Abid dynasty.

It contains around 300 houses, and its spring known as “Al-Hisn”. It is channeled and has reservoirs to collect rainwater to meet the people’s needs. It possesses strength and invincibility that blows away minds, and around it are many date palms and trees that serve as adornment for the tourists.”

The town was famous for knowledge acquisition; all the inhabitants were either scholars or students of knowledge.

Shaykh Ahmad Al-Tijani رضي الله عنه memorized the Quran perfectly in the narration of Nafi' at the age of seven before he reached adolescence and his teacher was Sheikh Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Hamu al-Tijani, who passed away in 1162 AH.

This Shaykh of Abul Abbas studied under the feet of Shaykh Isa Abu Aqaz al-Madawi al-Tijani, who was known for his righteousness and kind virtues. Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse رضي الله عنه said:

حافظ الذكر وسط سابع عام،

عن شيوخ من دونهم كرماء.

“He memorized in his mid seventh year,

From teachers whose nobility excelled others.”

When he reached the age of adolescence, his father married him to a girl of noble lineage. However, that didn’t prevent him from seeking knowledge and mastering all sciences. He then studied jurisprudence books such as Mukhtasar Khalil, Muqaddimat ibn Rushd, Al-Akhḍari etc under the guidance of the Jurist, Al-Mabrouk bin Abi Aafiya Al-Madawi Al-Tijani, and studied from him till he passed away in the year 1166 AH.

Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse رضي الله عنه said:

وروى عن مبروك بعض علوم،

ثم ربي أعطى له ما يشاء.

“He studied some sciences from Mabrouk, then my lord ( Allah) gave him what He willed ( in Knowledge and Ma’arifah).”

In the same year, both of his parent passed away due to a plague and they were buried next to each other in Ain Mahdi. At that time, the Shaykh was only 16 years old and undoubtedly, that incident deeply affected him, making him taste the bitterness of this transient world, and it taught him the virtues of patience, submission to Allah’s will and contentment with Allah's decrees.

He divorced his wife to continue his pursuit of knowledge and went on to master various fields of knowledge and sciences. After attaining spiritual openings, he purchased two slaves, liberated them, and married them. These unions led to the birth of his two renowned children, Muhammed al-Kabir and Muhammed al-Habib, with their respective mothers being Seyda Mabrouka and Seyda Mubaraka.

Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijani رضي الله عنه had a third son named Abdullahi, who passed away at a young age and was buried at the Bab al-Futuh in Fez. Again, during his time in Algeria, Shaykh had two sons named Ismail and Al-Mukhtar, who also passed away at a young age and were interred in Abi Samghoune.

We can’t say everything about this great Wali with whom Allah adorned Sainthood. We couldn’t deliver a downpour, but I hope this drizzle suffice. May Allah grant us the blessings of Shaykh Ahmad b. Muhammad Al-Tijani رضي الله عنه.

Recite many Salat Al-Fatih as an Hadiya to Noble Soul, dear Murids.



By wadman wadud

Video: The place where Shaykh Ahmad Tijani was born at Ayn Mahdi, Algeria

Photo: maqam of Shaykh Ahmad Tijani

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