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The reality of selawat

*Sidna Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (may Allah be pleased with him)* said, regarding the superiority of sending prayers upon the Prophet (may Allah bless him and give him peace) to other forms of remembrance:

In regards to sending prayers upon the Prophet (may Allah bless him and give him peace), such as if one were to say, “O, Allah! Bless our Master Muhammad,” he would obtain equally ten rewards for each letter. But, beyond that, every Angel in existence sends prayers upon the reciter ten times. And the prayer of the Angel is not like that of the human being. Every letter of the prayer of the Angel [upon the Prophet (may Allah bless him and give him peace) is equal to one hundred good deeds.

And the good deed of the Angel is not like that of the human being. The good deeds of the human being vary. Some are similar in weight to a seed, others similar in weight of a gram. Some are similar in weight to a kilogram, others are similar in weight to a ton. And some are similar in weight to the mountains. It all depends on the [state of] their hearts. While they may do the same number, their acts will weigh differently. But the good deeds of the Angel are similar in weight to a mountain whose length, width and height are all a journey of twenty years. So, if for every letter of the prayer of the Angel, one hundred good deeds are written, how can the reward of that [original] act [of the human being sending prayers upon the Prophet (may Allah bless him and give him peace) be measured? The Angels are too numerous. Their number is only encompassed by Allah (Exalted is His Majesty). Look at the disparity between sending prayers upon the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace) and other forms of remembrance. There is no comparison.

- Jawahir al-Ma'ani

اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد الفاتح لما أغلق والخاتم لما سبق ناصر الحق بالحق والهادي إلى صراطك المستقيم وعلى آله حق قدره ومقداره العظيم

Source: *Sidi Talut Dawood*

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